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History of the Mitchell’s Bay Area Association


In September of 2011, the Mitchell’s Bay Area Association was formed to provide a forum to discuss the needs of the Bay area and formulate a plan to meet those needs.

Directors were named for the 2011-2012 year and meetings were scheduled for the 1st Tuesday of every month throughout the year.   

Members of the association reviewed the Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Recreation Master Plan at Mitchell’s Bay (1991) as necessary background for discussion.

A draft mission statement and a list of proposed projects were developed by those in attendance in preparation for a “Town Hall” meeting. 

Interested citizens from Mitchell’s Bay and area were invited to a Town Hall Meeting on October 26th 2011 to increase their understanding of the purpose and mission statement of the association and to seek their input on suggested projects.  A drive for increased membership and volunteer interest was also a mandate for the evening.

Several projects were prioritized as a result of the Master Plan review and these first important meetings:

  • Design an association logo
  • Apply for Non Profit incorporation in order to seek provincial and federal funding for prioritized projects
  • Construct a walking path and sidewalk in the Mitchell’s Bay Park
  • Construct a multi-purpose path on Main Street
  • Mount banners and hanging flower baskets on polls on Main Street
  • Design, build and erect a Gateway Sign at the entrance to Mitchell’s Bay

A great deal of discussion was held on ways to fund the various projects.  A decision was made to seek community financial support, apply for government or private grants and host association fund raisers.

The value of forming partnerships with other community organizations and having a united association voice was entrenched in all discussions.   

In November of 2011, Jean and Lucille Laprise, members of the association donated $5,000.00 to the association as a start-up fund. As a result of this donation, the association was able to begin the journey towards, “enhancing the lifestyle of the residents and visitors of Mitchell’s Bay and protecting and promoting the area’s natural environment.”